Check out some of my blog posts on Medium


Guide to creating interactive visualizations in Python

In this guide, we explore HoloViz tools, and most precisely, we take a look at Panel and hvPlot which are open-source libraries that can be used to create interactive charts and dashboards. We also see how easy is to deploy and share our dashboard using a Jupyter Notebook.

Medium Article | GitHub Repository |
Deployed Dashboard (HerokuApp)


Analyzing the results of an A/B test

Starbucks’ customers have been randomly selected to receive an advertising promotion to purchase a specific product.

The goal is to analyze the data results to optimize the promotion strategy in order to send the promotion only to those customers who are most receptive to it, to limit the cost of sending the promotion.

Photo by Niels Kehl on Unsplash

Medium Article | GitHub Repository


Explaining Black-Box Models Using Python

A quick look at different global and local methods for explaining complex machine learning models using Python libraries.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Medium Article | GitHub Repository


Guide to Using Descriptive Statistics in Data Science

In this guide, we take a look at different common tools and concepts used to summarize data to try to better understand how they work and when to use them.

Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

Medium Article | GitHub Repository


Linear Regression:
Normal Equation & Gradient Descent — from Scratch

The objective of this project, inspired by the book “Hands-On Machine Learning” by Aurélien Géron, is to study linear regression (Normal Equation & Gradient Descent) more so than building an optimal algorithm for regression.

Medium Article | GitHub Repository

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